Executive Director of the Humanitarian Center "Doors of Life" Dr. Bernard Progni, and the Head of the Albanian Women's Association in Sweden "Föreningen SAB", Mrs. Arta Krasniqi was present at the dawn show "7 in the morning" on RTSH 2

Executive Director of the Humanitarian Center "Doors of Life" Dr. Bernard Progni, and the Head of the Albanian Women's Association in Sweden "Föreningen SAB", Mrs. Arta Krasniqi was present at the dawn show "7 in the morning" on RTSH 2, with the well-known journalist, Mr. Vladimir Thano, whom we thank for the welcome, questions and humanitarian causes.

Our noble and humanitarian projects, initiatives and works as well as the collaborations developed with "Föreningen SAB" were discussed in the framework of a common final goal for a better future.

Our noble work target group is precisely the communities in need and the marginalized groups being close to them with numerous medical, social and humanitarian services.

Let us work together for an inclusive society without social differentiation regardless of any affiliation or belief, as a form of awareness and solidarity for the fruits of teamwork; for unity and compromise.

To watch the show, please find attached the following link: