Dear experts/professionals in the fields of food safety, veterinary medicine, public health and human medical sciences:

On April 20 / 2023, in the premises of the Agricultural University of Tirana, will be organized the International Conference:



The conference will include attendees from  the academic staff of universities, in addition to professionals from local and foreign scientific institutions.



Department of Veterinary Public Health, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Agricultural University of Tirana- Albania

Department of Veterinary Medicine - "Aldo Moro" University, Bari, Italy.

  Non-Profit Association "Doors of Life" Tirana- Albania



Organizer committee

Prof. Dr Bizena Bijo                   Veterinary Public Health Department, AUT

Prof. ac Fatmira Shehu              Veterinary Public Health Department, AUT

Prof.ssa Marilia Tantillo             Department interdisciplinary of Medicine - Universita di Bari

Prof. Dr Bajram Hysa                 Non-profit association "DOORS OF LIFE"

Bernard Progni                        Executive Director at "Doors of Life" Center Albania

Dr. Sonila Çoçoli                        Veterinary Public Health Department, AUT Valentina Terio              Department of Veterinary Medicine, Bari-Italy Elisabetta Bonerba         Department of Veterinary Medicine, Bari-Italy

Prof. Dr Ilirian Kumbe                Veterinary Public Health Department, AUT

Prof. Dr Natalia Shoshi              Veterinary Public Health Department, AUT

Prof. as Kastriot Korro               Veterinary Public Health Department, AUT

Prof. as Egon Andoni                 Veterinary Public Health Department, AUT

Prof. as Jani Mavromati             Veterinary Public Health Department, AUT

Prof. as Dritan Laçi                    Veterinary Public Health Department, AUT

Dr.Ymer Elezi                            Professional Order of Veterinarian - Albania


Scientific committee

Prof. Dr Rezart Postoli               Dean of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, AUT

Prof. Dr Bizena Bijo                   Veterinary Public Health Department, AUT

Prof. as Fatmira Shehu              Veterinary Public Health Department, AUT

Prof.ssa Marilia Tantillo             Department interdisciplinary of Medicine - Universita di Bari

Prof. as Valentina Terio             Department of Veterinary Medicine, Bari-Italy

Prof. as Angela di Pinto             Department of Veterinary Medicine, Bari-Italy

Prof. as Elisabetta Bonerba        Department of Veterinary Medicine, Bari-Italy

Prof. Dr Pranvera Çabeli            Veterinary Public Health Department, AUT

Prof. Dr Xhelil Koleci                  Veterinary Public Health Department, AUT

Prof. as Tana Shtylla Kika           Veterinary Public Health Department, AUT



Dr. Anita Koni

Dr. Ada Buzali

e. mail:


Why this conference:

We are pleased to welcome you at our event. "Food Safety - Permanent Challenges." The Veterinary Public Health Department has shown a long-standing desire and interest in organizing a conference in the field of food safety, as this is a challenge that appears every day not only at the national but also international level.. In all our scientific research, we have aimed

to solve the problems related to food safety in our country and, not only, to know the ways of collecting information related to food safety and  the different actors involved in the entire food chain . This international conference  will place some of the food current major challenges in the spotlight, by assessing and debating some of the most challenging topics – including food safety, sustainability, transparency, trust and food safety culture. We intend to join the scientific achievements of the researchers, aiming to shed light on scientific facts and achievements that we need to recognize and control.

Academic staff from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, the Department of Veterinary Medicine in Bari, the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food, the Department of Plant Protection, the Department of Zootechnical Sciences, the Department of   Environment and Natural Resources, in Faculty of Agriculture and Environment at AUT, the Faculty of Public Health at the University of Medicine, Tirane, the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the University of Tirana, PhD students from the respective Faculties, the Food Safety and Veterinary Institute, National Food Authority, Institute of Public Health, Professional Order of Veterinarian in Albania. Participants can also be researchers from institutions of the country, whose research is related to the field of food safety.



1. Animal health related to food safety:

2. Food safety through plant protection

3. Safety of food of animal origin and animal feed

4. Changes in the environment that lead to food contamination

5. The role of food technology on food safety



CONFERENCE DAY                             

20 April 2023



5th March



Within two weeks



25th March 2023




13th May 2023


Formatting your abstract

Download the Abstract Design Template here and carefully follow the formatting guidelines. Abstracts that do not follow the formatting guidelines will be returned for editing. The abstract must be submitted in English to the email address:

   (click here)

Manuscript Preparation  

Publication in the Albanian Journal of Agricultural Sciences (AJAS)   

Manuscripts should be typed according to manuscript template. Manuscript should be typed in a paper size A4, top, right and bottom margins should be 0.6" and left margins 0.7". It must be  typed in Times New Roman, 11, Justified, line space at least 12pt. Each line should be numbered. Every page of the manuscript, including the title page, references, tables, etc., should be  numbered. Manuscripts in general should be organized in the following order that must start on a new page and ordered as listed below:

• Abstract
• Keywords (indexing terms), normally 3-6 items
• Material studied, area descriptions, methods, techniques
• Results
• Discussion
• Conclusion
• Acknowledgment and any additional information concerning research grants, etc.
• References

 (click here)

Oral presentation

Please respect the template attached below

 (click here)

Poster presentation

Poster Preparation Guidelines

Posters will be accepted until 10 April 2023. Posters will be peer reviewed against formatting criteria.

Formatting your poster

To keep good legibility of the poster, a maximum size of 1189mm x 841mm (A0 size high is recommended. The text and illustrations should be large enough to read from a distance of one meter. The poster boards will be numbered by the organizers. The number of your poster can be found in the Conference Program. Upon acceptance, the posters are expected to be printed by author(s) themselves based on criteria published.

Download the Poster Design Template and follow the formatting guidelines.

   (click here)

Posters to be submitted in: English.

Important Notice

Each accepted poster presentation should be accompanied by one registration.


The participation fee for the event is 50 euros.

The fee will be paid by the first author of each submitted paper. The payment include: certificate of participation, conference materials, coffee break, lunch and publication in the Albanian Journal of Agricultural Sciences (AJAS). Each person who wants to be provided with a certificate as well as to use the conference materials, coffee break and lunch must also pay a fee of 50 €

The fees are to be paid to the following bank account details:


Address of the Bank: Rr. "VASO PASHA", No. 8, TIRANA
Account holder: "DOORS OF LIFE CENTER"
IBAN: AL07 2121 1047 0000 0000 0133 4726
Account Number: 00001334726
Account Currency: EUR




Kind Regards,

Organizational Committee