The awareness and mobilization of young people about the care and support that should be given to the target group of the project "Old age or other abilities are not diseases" (their relatives - the third age or people with other abilities), was the last (closing) activity. developed during the month of April after the successful completion of several activities from November to March. It is the humane and professional challenge and mission of the "Doors of Life Albania" Center that health protection and social care play a significant role in the lives of citizens, mainly those who are considered as marginal groups and in this particular case - the elderly, with the aim that always and more people have medical and social care, support and assistance.
The April activity aims to help increase the level of awareness among young people who have been indirectly affected by Covid-19 (their elderly family members). Young people can mobilize their communities to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Much can be achieved when people from different parts of the community share a common goal and actively participate both in identifying the needs and as part of the solution.
Young people as key actors of the society within the community, will have to be approached and motivated to encourage their participation in the action and change of the community as a way to benefit the whole community, not only people with different abilities or the third age.
The activity was developed with an increased focus on health and measures or forms of care through awareness sessions for young people with the aim of sensitizing them on the health of the elderly and people with different abilities in disadvantaged areas, so that they are empowered by supported and helped.
Through these sessions with the support of the Red Cross, the aim is to empower young people to respond effectively to the challenges and issues brought by the pandemic towards their families and the surrounding community (relatives), contributing to the 'recovery' socio-health of their communities. For this reason, the center "DOORS OF LIFE" Albania, through information and awareness sessions for young people in the field of health care for their families, developing in them the skills of mobilisation, mentoring and care, helping young people and their (families) communities to develop coping strategies for different health conditions of this target group, to mitigate the negative effects of the pandemic on marginalized groups in Kamez municipality, and to show care for any possible mutations or other infections.