Nën kryetar i Bordit "Doors of Life - Albania"
Bajram Faik HYSA, banues ne Tirane Rr. “Kongresi i Lushnjes”, Pall: 24/1,Shk 1, Ap 10, Tirane ka lindur me 15/03/1955 ne Limar te Permetit.
Shkollen 8 vjecare e kreu ne vendlindje, kurse shkollen e mesme ne Tirane.
Ne vitin 1979 perfundoi studimet e larta ne Fakultetin e Ekonomise dhe po ate vit filloi si pedagog ne Shkollen e Bashkuar te Oficerave duke kryer edhe detyren e Shefit te Katedres se Ekonomise Politike (Ekonomiksit) ne vitet 1985-1989.
Ne vitet 1992-1995 ka kryer detyra te ndryshme si Nendrejtor i Qendres Nderkometare te Kultures, shef i sektorit te politikave ekonomike dhe sociale prane Sindikatave te pavarura, pedagog i ftuar per marredheniet industriale prane Fakultetit te Ekonomise-UT etj.
Ne vitin 1996 filloi pune si kancelar prane Fakultetit te Mjekesise-UT detyre qe e kreu deri ne muajin Shkurt 2012, kohe ne te cilen u zgjodh edhe Dekan i Fakultetit te Mjekesise me rezultat plebishitar. E drejtoi Fakultetin deri ne muajin Korrik 2014.
Prej vitit 1996 ka qene Pedagog i lendes se Ekonomise se Shendetit dhe vazhdon si Profesor prane Departamentit te Shendtit Publik.
Prej vitit 1996 e deri sot ne Fakultetin e Mjekesise, ka kryer edhe detyra te tjera akademike si shef i Seksionit te Menaxhimit Shendetesor, Shef i Departamentit te Shendetit Pulik, (Fakulteti i Mjekesise-UT ), Shef i Departamentit te Menaxhimit Shendetesor ( Fakulteti i Shendetit Pulik-UMT ).
Ka qene prej 12 vjetesh anetar i Senatit te UT-se dhe UMT-se
Prof. Hysa ka meriten e krijimit te infrastruktures moderrne te Fakultetit te Mjekesise si Kancelar dhe Dekan si dhe themelimin e Uniersitetit te Mjekesise me 23 Janar 2013.
Ka kryer nje sere specializimesh e kualifikimesh si ne SHBA, Itali, Angli, France, Spanje, Zvicer, Gjermani etj.
Ka shkruar nje sere artikujsh e punimesh ne revista kombetare e nderkombetare dhe ne shtypin e perditshem.
Eshte autor dhe b/autor i disa librave.
Eshte qytetar nderi ne dy shtete te ShBA-se, nje firmosur nga ish Presidenti Bill Klinton si Guernator i shtetit te Arkansas-it.
Eshte i dekoruar me Medaljen e Arte te Shqiponjes per kontribute te vecanta ne levizjen demokratike ne Shqiperi.
Njohes i gjuhes angleze, italiane dhe franceze.
Doors of life Albania ! Krenar për punën tuajë vullnetare Prof. Bajram Hysa.
Vice Chairman of the Board "Doors of Life - Albania"
Bajram Faik HYSA, resident in Tirana St. "Congress of Lushnje", Pall: 24/1, Shk 1, Ap 10, Tirana was born on 15/03/1955 in Limar, Permet.
He finished 8 years of school in his hometown, and high school in Tirana.
In 1979, he completed his higher studies at the Faculty of Economics and that same year he started as a lecturer at the United Officers School, performing the duties of the Head of the Department of Political Economy (Economics) in the years 1985-1989.
In the years 1992-1995, he performed various duties as Deputy Director of the Intercommunal Culture Center, head of the economic and social policy sector at the Independent Trade Unions, invited lecturer for industrial relations at the Faculty of Economics - UT, etc.
In 1996, he started working as a chancellor at the Faculty of Medicine-UT, a task he carried out until February 2012, when he was also elected Dean of the Faculty of Medicine by plebiscite. He directed the Faculty until July 2014.
Since 1996, he has been a Lecturer in the subject of Health Economics and continues as a Professor at the Department of Public Health.
From 1996 until today at the Faculty of Medicine, he has performed other academic duties as Head of the Health Management Section, Head of the Pulik Health Department (Faculty of Medicine-UT), Head of the Health Management Department (Faculty of Health Pulik-UMT).
He has been a member of the Senate of UT and UMT for 12 years
Prof. Hysa has the merit of creating the modern infrastructure of the Faculty of Medicine as Chancellor and Dean, as well as the establishment of the University of Medicine on January 23, 2013.
He has written a series of articles and works in national and international magazines and in the daily press.
He is the author and co-author of several books.
He is an honorary citizen in two states of the USA, one signed by former President Bill Clinton as Governor of the state of Arkansas.
He is decorated with the Eagle Medal of Arts for special contributions to the democratic movement in Albania.
I know English, Italian and French.
Doors of life Albania ! Proud of your volunteer work Prof. Bajram Hysa.